Nutrition - Beef Products Page 7
This is page 7 of 81 displaying 641 foods belonging to the Beef Products food group. Click any food name to see its nutritional facts.

per 100 grams
per common measure #1
per common measure #2

Food Groups | Nutrients

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Food GroupFood
Beef Products Beef, chuck eye Country-Style ribs, boneless, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, cooked, braised
Beef Products Beef, chuck eye Country-Style ribs, boneless, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, raw
Beef Products Beef, chuck eye Country-Style ribs, boneless, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, select, cooked, braised
Beef Products Beef, chuck eye Country-Style ribs, boneless, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, select, raw
Beef Products Beef, chuck eye Country-Style ribs, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, cooked, braised
Beef Products Beef, chuck eye Country-Style ribs, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, raw
Beef Products Beef, chuck eye Country-Style ribs, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, cooked, braised
Beef Products Beef, chuck eye Country-Style ribs, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, raw
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